1. The base rate for Professional Fiduciary and/or CPA time is $180 per hour. For complex matters, the rate is $275 per hour. The complex rate for professional fiduciary services may be applicable in certain situations such as contested matters, emergency situations, real property sales, and complex tax issues. Support staff will be billed at $105 per hour.
a. Services billed at the base rate are calculated to the 1/10th of an hour. Invoices for fees will be sent on a monthly basis, unless otherwise directed by the court. Fees paid for Conservatorship services will only be paid upon court approval, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Please note that all fees must be reasonable, justifiable, and in the best interest of the conservatee. Any deviations from standard practices will be fully disclosed to the court and may require court approval. Travel time will be billed at $75 per hour.
b. Professional Fiduciary fees for administering Decedent’s Estates are computed in accordance with the California Probate Code, Section 10800 and are based on the gross assets of the estate. A tiered percentage is applied to the first $25 million of the estate assets as follows: 4% of the first $100,000; 3% of the next $100,000; 2% of the next $800,000; 1% of the next $9,000,000; and 0.5% of the next $15,000,000. For assets over $25 million, the court has discretion to set fees. Extraordinary services, such as tax issues, real property sales and litigation, can be requested and are charged at an hourly rate of $275.00 per hour, subject to court approval.
c. Professional Fiduciary fees for administering non-court supervised trusts are based on the size and complexity of the trust and the services required. For non-complex trusts involving a sole beneficiary, these fees typically range from 1.0% to 2.0% of the gross assets and are calculated on an annual basis. Fees for some non-court supervised trusts are negotiable and may be less than 1.0% of the gross assets. Administration may be subject to a minimum yearly fee. Administration of trust estates may alternatively be billed hourly at the Base Rate. The complex rate of $275.00 per hour for professional fiduciary services may be applicable in certain matters as set forth in section 1 above. Administration fees may also be billed on an hourly basis, such as in smaller estates with a gross value of under $1mm or in complex trusts involving such things as multiple beneficiaries, or with assets requiring specialized management.
d. Support staff tasks, or basic office duties performed by the professional fiduciary, such as receptionist duties, scheduling and routine matters, are billed at $105 per hour. This rate is subject to periodic adjustments for inflation and cost of living changes, with full disclosure made as required. The fiduciary’s commitment is to provide reasonable, justified rates in the best interest of the conservatee, beneficiary, heir, or principal. Please note, the professional fiduciary’s higher rate applies to tasks beyond these basic office duties.
2. Depending on the capacity in which we are retained to serve, we may need to engage the services of independent attorneys or other professionals to assist us in fulfilling our duties. It is important to note that the cost for these services will be borne by the trust, conservatorship, estate, client, corporation, or other legal entities for which we are serving as a fiduciary. As a fiduciary, our duty is to act in the best interests of our clients and engage any necessary resources to do so.
3. We understand that you and your family may need different services at various times, so we are happy to discuss options to pay for those services. In some cases, the payment rate may be set by law or a court order, but in other cases, we can negotiate a fee structure that works for everyone. We will also pass on the cost of any third-party professionals we hire to help you, like accountants, attorneys, or realtors, at the rate charged by those professionals.